Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Visual Orginization

-Not directing the audience through a design is misdirecting them-

Eye Movement
  • The typical eye moves from left to right and top to bottom
  • Direct the natural scanning tendencies of eyes
  • eyes gravitate toward complexity
  • in faces we are attracted to the eye
  • light areas attract
  • diagonal lines/ edges move 
Optical center:
  • spot slightly above exact center and a little to the left
  • where our eyes tend to go first
  • takes a compelling element to pull away
Z- Pattern:
  • Generally eyes sweep the page in a z pattern 
Effective page design maps a viewers eye route to the important elements

  • Generally, no more than two fonts
  • two fonts should complement each other
  • Avoid ALL CAPS, unless its necessary
  •  Do the right thing, choose the right fonts: consider theme and tone
  • www.typography.com/email/2010_032010_03/index.htm  
 Visual Hierarchy
  • Establish order- define how eye moves through focal points by importance of visuals
  • Before ask:
  1. What do I want my viewer to see first?
  2. Second?
  3. Third?
  4. Fourth?
The Grid
  • A way of organizing content with a lot of aspects
  • Aligning stuff 
  • Things can break the grid for variety
  • Rose with the dawn of modernism 
  • Breaks info into manageable chunks
  • a grid consists of a distinct set of alignment-based relationships that act as guides for distributing elements across a format
  • used to unify elements

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