
Freelance Designer

A freelance designer is someone who works on a project by project basis, doing specific tasks for whatever company is in need.  A freelance designer needs to be punctual, and have experience with a wide variety of design tools.  A degree in design is definitely helpful, but with experience and referrals, not always necessary.  The only growth opportunity as a freelance designer is becoming more experienced, which would allow you to work on bigger, better paying jobs.  Really any company can hire a freelance designer.  Freelance designers do not have a set salary, they make however much they work.  You could do designs for the school, or even local businesses in high school to gain experience and build skills.


Production artist- last person to see a design, basically an editor of design.  Need to know acrobat and indesign.  Entry level job. Preferred, a bachelors degree in graphic design and previous experience in the graphics industry. Salary range $60-$200 an hour

Art Director- Supervise and critique the visual experience to meet any clients needs.  Must have good people skills and skills in graphic programs.  Degree in graphics required.  Salary $30,000-$80,000.

Creative Director- Next step up from art director.  Manage whole branch and do less actual designing.  These are the people who would meet and discuss with clients, and assign jobs to get work done.  Need a degree in graphics. Average salary $97,000

Illustrator- Creates images from other images, graphically.  Designs everything from books to advertisements.  Skills include: Creativity, experience through classes, and a degree in any kind of arts.  Salary: $50,000- $74,000

Web Designer- Creates and designs websites on the innernette. Knowledge of HTML, and and strong communication skills.  Should have a four year college degree.  Salary: 51-74k

Package Designer- Creates and designs packages for products.  Degree in design recommended and a general knowledge of packaging is required. Salary: 40-90k

Comic Book Artist- Illustrates comic books for comic readers.  A degree in fine arts is good, and necessary skills include: active listening and keeping up with trends.  Salary: 55-75k

Graphic designer-  Electronically designs things.  Skills: Communication, and creativity, familiarity with design programs. Salary:  35k-50k

Storyboard Artist- draws and sometimes comes up with ideas for production companies.  have to have good listening skills, and want experience in the field. salary average: $150k

AIGA-  American Institute of Graphic Arts, representatives for designers and others in the graphics field, help students get noticed.

Computer Animator- use computers to make things come to life. need artistic ability, familiarization with computer animation programs, and creativity.  Usually make $61k

PIAG- Printing and Imaging Association of Georgia. Educates the public about the importance of print and try to grow the printing industry

Portrait Photographer- take meditated pictures of people, usually in a studio. preferred degree in photography. Salary $26-63k

Documentary photography- capture significant and historical events.  hAve to have a bachelor's degree in photojournalism, and background in photo design software.  Skills include experience in photography, passion for current events, and be ready for change. starting salary: $31k

Advertising Photography- take pictures of products or people for promotional purposes.  Need know how to use a camera and process film, knowledge in graphic programs.  Experience in photography is nice.  bachelors in any fine art, not necessary though. Salary: $35k

editorial photography- take pictures for magazines.  necessary skills include knowledge of cameras and design programs.  need bachelor in photo or fine arts.  salary- $17-$61k

fashion photography- photograph clothing and other fashion items. know photography designers fashion, and good communications are good.  Assoc. or bachelor in professional photography.  $20k-$100k+

photojournalist- take pictures that tell stories or complement news articles.  General photography skills, and familiarization with editing programs.  Degree in photography or related field required. $25k-$60k salary

Sports photography- ...photograph...sports.  SKills include knowledge of camera lighting and comp skills.  Bachelor of arts in photo and a solid portfolio. $24-$45k

PPA- Professional Photographers of America. Largest non profit association for photographers.  Open job oppurtunities and ahave workshops and competitions. 

APA- American Photographics Artists.  general support for photographers. want to get more people into photography and help those people along the way with benefits like discounts,

NAPP- National Association of Photoshop Users.  Host a website, enhancing sources, and post job opportunities. 

NPPA- National Press Photographers Association. represents and protects photojournalists.