Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hieroglyphics and the Egyptians | 3,000 BC

In the sixth century BC, what three civilizations invaded Egypt? Persians, greeks, and romans

Post an example of the inside wall(s) of an Ancient Egyptian temple.,1315686695,11/stock-photo-hieroglyphic-carvings-and-paintings-on-the-interior-walls-of-an-ancient-egyptian-temple-84383203.jpg

What was discovered on the inside of the temples?carved and painted images

Scholars believe that Ancient Egyptians were inspired and influenced by which written language?sumerian cuniform

What is the difference between logographic and alphabetic elements?-visuals to describe things
-symbols to represent sounds

The term Hieroglyphic derived from what two Greek words?hiero meaning sacred, and glyphic meaning writing

What is a scribe? someone who went to school to read and write

Who else was trained to read and write? Why?military personnel so that they could communicate in battle

Post an example of hieroglyphics on papyrus.

What is papyrus and how was it made?it is what scrolls are made of, and it is made by weaving native reeds, flattening them and then drying them

What is a substrate?the surface of an organism

What were the Books of the Dead?instructions and spells to help find leaders to their afterlife

How did Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics become a forgotten language?roman christians shut down any non christian temples, and over time every one who knew the language died out

Post an example of the Rosetta Stone.

What is the Rosetta Stone? Where was it discovered?
It is a translating document, basically, that was discovered in Rosetta Egypt

What three languages are included on the stone?
German, ancient Egyptian, and Demotic

Why couldn't the text on the Stone be deciphered?Large chunks of all of the languages were missing

Who finally deciphered the text? What was his breakthrough?Jean Francois Champollion, he matched up the greek symbols and egyptian hieroglyphics for Pharoah Ramses

Why does the interpretation of the Rosetta Stone have such significance?
 We learned a lot about egyptian hieroglyphics and egyptians themselves

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