
Some week!
initial cap- larger decorative capital letters at the beginning of a text or paragraph

Weeko Numero 4-o!
concept- something formed in one's mind

final product- the end result, how we ultimately communicate to our audience
Week 3!
flush left- all text aligned  to the left
flush right- all text to the right 
centered- centers whole line of text, formal 
justified-  aligned on left and right
type style-  variations on the same font: bold, italic, semi-bold, numerals (lining, non-lining)

lining- uniform height, capital letters

non-lining- shorter, old style, ascenders and descenders

leading- the space in between lines of type

margin- white space around edges of document

kerning- adjusting the space in between individual characters

tracking- allows you to adjust spacing between characters of an entire section of type


Week 17: The Last Week Ever of This Semester!
ligatures- when two letters or symbols are connected together at points that are similar

ampersand- the "and" symbol: &

small caps- when a typeface uses the same design for upper and lower case letters, lower case letters are just smaller

lowercase- the uncapiitalized version of a letter, in most fonts it is smaller and a different shape

uppercase- the capitalized version of a letter, always large and takes up space from base line to top line

WEEK 16!
typography-  art of expressing ideas through the selection of appropriate typefaces

typeface- font, group of designs of characters

serif- a small line used to finish and accent the end of a line

body type- type sizes that range from 4-12 points.  Found in places where a lot of text is to be read

display type- sizes above a 12, used to draw attention to a message

reverse type- white type on a solid black or dark background.

point size- a measurement from the bottom of a descender to the top of an ascender to size different typefaces

continuous tone image- it is an image where all variations of color can be replicated; created by using pixels.

resolution- a pixel count for a raster image, expressed as number of columns by number of rows
file size- the amount of discspace used by a document, measured in bytes.
The Eighth Week!
hue- the shade of a color, depends how much blue yellow and red it has in it.

primary colors- red, blue, and yellow. the basic color wavelengths that can mix to form other colors

secondary colors- orange green and violet. Created by mixing two of the three primary colors.

tertiary colors- red-orange, yellow-orange, yellow-green, blue-green, 
blue violet, red violet. Made by mixing a primary color with a secondary color

neutral colors- grays, made by mixing many color wheel colors together

Week 5!
guidelines- lines in adobe illustrator that can be set up to make smaller boxes on an artboard, these are not actually part of the picture

extentions- additional software made for a base software that allows additional possibilities

contextual menu- command click/ right click; a menu that when brought up brings a list of tasks depending on what object is clicked

clipping mask- a tool in adobe illustrator that can be used to crop an image in to a shape.

Week 4!
icon- a simple image that is used to represent something

vector based graphic- a computer generated graphic that uses lines instead of pixels. They can be manipulated indefinitely

specifications of a project- when given an assignment, the specifications are the guidelines by which one must complete the task

dialogue box- a window that can pop up on computers that aid the user, or alert of errors

palette- the small windows that contain tools, like color, brush, pen, shape, line etc.

Week 3!
target audience- the specific group of people who a designer is trying to send their message to

message- what a graphic designer is trying to communicate with his or her audience

work ethic- the values and behavior by which someone works

employability skills- attributes that a person has that would make a potential employer want to hire them

20/20 rule- when working with computers, look at something a good distance away for at least 20 seconds every 20 minutes

Right to Know Laws- laws that ensure an employees knowledge of chemicals which he or she come in 'contact with at their job