Monday, November 28, 2011

Review Week 13.... spoooookkkkyyyyyy

The repetition used in this image is pretty self explanitory.  The architect just repeated the same archway over and over in a single file line down a hall.

Balance in this design is used to create a sense of order, as it is symmetrical, formal, balance.  This is accomplished by having the same weight, or amount of actual images, on either side of the vertical axis.

Scale is the relative size of elements in comparison to each other, and the human body is most often used.  This Dali piece does just that.  If the human had not been there, one may have thought that it were just a regular sized horse and elephant with spider legs. The human, though is there, not only as a symbol, but to show the actual enormity of the other elements in the design

Emphasis is used in this design primarily through the lines of the moonlight dragging the eyes of the viewer to the eye of the subject of the picture.





How do you add a layer mask to a particular layer?by clicking the button on the layers pallet that is a little circle and coloring in the part of the layer that you want masked.
What two colors are used to create the mask?
Black and white
Describe the process of using a layer mask?

First, click the button, then make sure you have the mask selected, then color whatever you want masked black with the brush tool, then if you mess up recolor what you don't want masked white, then sit back and enjoy your mask.

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